We are Pesona Indonesia and Friends

PIF Summer Dance Gala 2024 presents


Nusa Apsara is a modern Indonesian dance performance in collaboration with a live bamboo angklung orchestra by the group MKIF in Frankfurt, Germany. nusa apsara is interpreted as beings and spirits that govern and protect the beauty of Nusantara, a term for archipelagic Indonesia. in this dance gala, Nusa Apsara will present you Indonesian richness in nature through four representations of natural essence – earth, water, fire, and air with a celebration of dances, folklore and music.

hi, we’re Pesona Indonesia and Friends!

english | englisch } bahasa inggris

we are an indonesian dance group based in the area of frankfurt am main, germany. we’re here to give you a taste of indonesia..

german | deutsch | bahasa jerman

wir sind eine indonesische tanzgruppe aus frankfut am main und umgebung, deutschland. wir sind hier um dir ein stück von indonesien zu zeigen…

indonesian | indonesisch | bahasa indonesia

kami adalah grup tari indonesia yang berdomisili di frankfurt am main dan sekitarnya, jerman. kami ingin menunjukan sedikit dari banyaknya budaya indonesia…

the community | die komunität | komunitas kami